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Tracy McNeill Pullan
Corey Young
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Our Firm
Tracy McNeill Pullan
Corey Young
Practice Areas
Criminal Defense
Felony DWI
Drug Charges
Waxes and Oils Charges
Intent to Deliver and Distribute
Burglary and Robbery
Sex Crimes
Sexual Assault
Online Solicitation
Child Pornography
Indecency with a Child
Juvenile Crimes
Domestic Violence
Weapons Charges
Grand Jury Presentations
Parole FAQs
Parole Review
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How the Writs Process Works
Direct Appeals
State Appeals
Federal Appeals
How the Appeals Process Works
Past Winners
Case Results
Can You Defend Yourself Against Police Excessive Force?
The Process of a Direct Appeal in Texas
What Are the Best Defenses to Assault Charges in Texas?
What Are the Differences Between 2254 and 2255 Writs?
Can I Be Charged With a Felony For Having THC Oil in Texas?
How Can I Prove Self-Defense in an Aggravated Assault Case?
What Are Common Conditions for Parolees?
How Does the Parole Process Work?
Can a Texas Parole Decision Be Reversed?
How Can I Appeal My Sentence in Texas?
The Latest Updates to Texas Parole Special Conditions Policy
What to Know About the Texas Senate Bill 4 (SB 4)
Information on Clearing Your Criminal Record in Texas
Understanding the Factors Behind Parole Approval or Denial
What to Know About State Writ of Habeas Corpus in Texas
Facing Marijuana-Related Charges in Texas
Is Fleeing a DWI in a Vehicle a Felony Offense?
Can My DWI Be Charged as a Felony?
Should I Settle My Criminal Case or Go to Trial?
How does an inmate's medical condition affect his parole review in Texas?
Texas Parole FAQ
Texas 11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus Investigations
When can you withdraw a guilty plea in Texas?
Don't panic over Shinn v Ramirez but also make sure to hire competent State habeas counsel
Challenging felony charges in Texas with a pretrial writ
The long path to victory
The Old and the Cold: Subsequent 11.07 writs and old convictions
FAQ: When is the best time to file an 11.07 writ?
Challenging deadly weapon findings on direct appeal and in 11.07 writs in Texas
Ariadne’s thread: Using 11.07 and 11.073 writs to challenge DNA evidence
Texas parole street time explained
11.07 Brady Claims in Texas: what did they know, and when did they know it
11.07 writs and actual innocence explained
Prosecutorial misconduct appeals in Texas
subsequent writs, Article 11.073, and a question about future actual innocence claims
11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus and Effective Legal Challenges to Texas Open Pleas
Playing Hot Potato: The Risks and Rewards of the Open Sentencing Plea in Texas
TDCJ and Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates
The Texas Guilty Plea, Part 3: Proving an Involuntary Plea
The Texas Guilty Plea, Part 2: Plea Offers, Plea Bargains, and Judgements
The Texas Guilty Plea, Part 1: Admonishments and the Plea Colloquy
Constitutional and Statutory Rights for release on Discretionary Mandatory Supervision in Texas
Inside the belly of the beast: Your Constitutional Rights during Texas Parole Review
Texas Discretionary Mandatory Supervision and “Short way” explained
Texas Criminal Appeals: strategic thinking on error preservation
Texas Parole Risk Assessment: What’s your number?
Public Disclosure Laws Limit Investigations into Brady Claims
The Motion for New Trial in Texas Criminal Cases
Texas Parole: the long bureaucratic road to release
11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus and Reduced Sentences
Tow your rights: non-consent tows after arrest
It’s important to ask if your attorney takes court appointments
Texas House Bill 1271: the hope for good time credits for 3g offenses
Third Party Consent – The Curse of the Purse
“Actually Not Guilty” – For those who thought they had drugs but really didn’t
Should your Texas marijuana case have been dismissed?
Beware of schemes targeting registered sex offenders
Texas Parole FI -1 (further investigation) time table update
TDCJ good time credits explained
record-based grounds for relief
How to avoid the Eighth Amendment when arguing that a sentence is grossly disproportionate
False Promises and Parole Boards
After conviction, what can you appeal?
Timing is everything: “final convictions” and Article 11.07 writs
Marijuana Edibles in Texas: Worth the Risk?
Working and Being on Probation in Montgomery County Gets Harder
New Rules for Conditions of Bond in Montgomery County
Section 12.44(a) and (b) for Dummies
3 big differences between Probation and Deferred Adjudication
Five Criminal Justice Myths You Should Know
Texas Grand Jury Reform Does Not Go Far Enough
What is the difference between a writ and a direct appeal?
The Michael Morton Act Highlight Reel
Beware Your Pretrial Conditions of Bond
Interesting Bribe case out of Dallas Court of Appeals
Revised Online Solicitation of a Minor Statute set for hearing this Wednesday.
Insanity defense in Chris Kyle murder trial is about more than a medical diagnosis
Conroe Office
Montgomery County Criminal Defense Attorney
Dallas Criminal Appeals Attorney
Dallas Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Dallas Parole Board Representation Attorney
Fort Worth Criminal Appeals Attorney
Fort Worth Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Fort Worth Parole Board Representation Attorney
Waco Criminal Appeals Attorney
Waco Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Waco Parole Board Representation Attorney
Temple-Killeen Criminal Appeals Attorney
Temple-Killeen Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Temple-Killeen Parole Board Representation Attorney
Austin Criminal Appeals Attorney
Austin Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Austin Parole Board Representation Attorney
Houston Criminal Appeals Attorney
Houston Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Houston Parole Board Representation Attorney
San Antonio Criminal Appeals Attorneys
San Antonio Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
San Antonio Parole Board Representation Attorney
Beaumont Criminal Appeals Attorney
Beaumont Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Beaumont Parole Board Representation Attorney
El Paso Criminal Appeals Attorney
El Paso Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
El Paso Parole Board Representation Attorney
Corpus Christi Criminal Appeals Attorney
Corpus Christi Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Corpus Christi Parole Board Representation Attorney
Abilene Criminal Appeals Attorney
Abilene Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Abilene Parole Board Representation Attorney
Midland-Odessa Criminal Appeals Attorney
Midland-Odessa Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Midland-Odessa Parole Board Representation Attorney
Lubbock Criminal Appeals Attorney
Lubbock Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Lubbock Parole Board Representation Attorney
Tyler Criminal Appeals Attorney
Tyler Writs of Habeas Corpus Attorney
Tyler Parole Board Representation Attorney
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